Here is the PowerPoint slideshow I created for “Intersex People: What You Should Know and Why You Should Care!” that was presented at Chicago’s Center on Halsted on June 11th, 2011 to an LGBT audience as part of H.E.R. Day. Some slides were simply lifted from previous presentations, others were modified, lots of old slides left out, and new slides added.
While my presentation was very well-received, the “stars” were my intersex co-presenters who told their stories, Alex McCorry and Mugsie Pike (pictured left and right below respectively). Alex has previously accompanied me as an "out" intersex representative at several presentations, but this was the first time that either Alex or Mugsie spoke openly about their lives and problems as intersex people.
One result of this compelling first-of-its-kind event is that officials at the Center on Halsted now intend to start a group for intersex people! It is fitting that LGBT people be informed about intersex people, because LGBT people and intersex people share many of the same concerns.
Except for saying David Reimer was intersex (NOT!), the reporter from Windy City Times accurately captured some highlights of my presentation but at best scratched the surface when it comes to Alex's and Mugsie's stories. I intend to eventually post a transcript or recording of Alex’s and Mugsie’s moving and enlightening stories.
fair play to you for doing something like this that is so important for the whole world to see
Meet intersex spokespersons Alex and Mugsie and hear their stories.
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